Monday, 19 September 2011

Non Destructive Editing Questions Two

What is a rendering engine?
The Rendering engine is the software that converts raw data into a visual image. The software is either in camera or on your computer.

What three things determine the final colour of an image pixel?
a) Original image data
b) Rendering engines mathematical formula
c) The user settings applied

What are the three main components of a RAW file?
a) JPEG Preview
b) Metadata
c) Mosaiced RAW Image

Can PIE Software be used only on RAW files?

What is a live rendering?
A view of the image that is only available when the source image is loaded into the software. A temporary preview that is created from the source data when it is requested by the user.

Where can the Rendering Metadata be stored?
a) Inside the file
b) In a sidecare file - the eXtensible Metadata Platform. file
c) In database or catalogue 

Give two examples of fixed rendering
a) Derivatives
b) Prints

Is a Preview a Live or Fixed Rendering of the Image?
Fixed Rendering

Where can Previews be stored?
a) In the image
b) Alone with the image
c) In a catalogue

Why do File Browsers and Cataloguing software create Previews?
To speed up the display of the image

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Non-Destructive Image Editing 3

What Model does cataloguing software use?
Library Model

Where are the imaged stored in a catalogue based system?
Folder, USB, internal or external hard drives or CD/DVD's

Where does the catalouge get its initial information about the files?
From the Metadata

Where does the catalouging software store this information?
In the catalouge

What is the main organising principle of Browaer based systems?
The file system. You arrange them.

How do cataloguing systems organise their images?
They are based on the metadata

How does a cataloguing system make changed to an image?

Can other programs see these changed?

How does a cataloguing system make changed to an image available to other programs?

List 5 advantages of cataloguing PIE Software
1) Creates useful groups
2) Eases backup and restoration tasks
3) Can edit multiple images easily
4) Sync files
5) Work offline

Give two examples of software that combine Image Cataloguing and Editing functions?
1) Lightroom
2) Adobe Camera Raw

Monday, 12 September 2011

Exercise 4 - Colour Theory 2

1.       Start Photoshop and open the document you created in Exercise 3.
·         What is the keyboard shortcut for opening an existing Document ? Ctrl+O
2.       Change the Blending Mode of the layer Group to ‘Pass Through’.
3.       Make the background layer the working layer by selecting it in the Layers palette.
4.       Use the Rectangular Marquee tool to select the top half of the image.
5.       Use the Paint bucket tool to fill this area with Black.
·         What is the keyboard shortcut for this tool ? G
6.       Change the Blending Mode of the ‘Red Circle’ layer to ‘Lighten’.
7.       Do the same for the Blue and Green Circle layers.
8.       Select the Move tool.
·         What is the keyboard shortcut for this tool ? V
9.       Turn on the ‘Auto-select’ option and set it to ‘Layer’ (Not ‘Group’).
10.   Drag the three circles so they all overlap each other.
11.   This simulates the Additive Colour System.
12.   Rename the group of circle layers to indicate this.
13.   Add a text layer (using white text) saying ‘<name> Colour System’.
14.   Select the group of circles in the layers palette.
15.   Duplicate the group using ‘Layer -> Duplicate Group …’.
16.   Use the Move tool with ‘Auto-Select’ set to ‘Group’ to drag the new group to the bottom half of the page.
17.   Change the Blending Mode of the this group to ‘Difference’.
18.   This simulates the Subtractive Colour System.
19.   Add a text layer saying ‘<name> Colour System’.
20.   Save the document as ‘Ex 4 – Primary_Colours.psd’

Exercise 3 - Colour Theory

1.       Start Photoshop and create a new document with the following properties :-
·         Name : ‘Ex 3 – Primary Colours’
·         Size : A4 @ 300dpi
·         Colour Mode : RGB / 8 bpc
·         Background Colour : White
2.       What is the keyboard shortcut for creating a new Document ? Ctrl­+N
3.       What is the size of the image in :-
§  Megapixels -                 8.6MP     Megabytes 24.9MB
4.       Set the foreground colour to Red (ie R 255, G 0, B 0).
5.       Select the Ellipse Tool (not the Marquee tool). What is the keyboard shortcut :- U
6.       Draw a circle with the Ellipse tool approximately 6cm in diameter (about 1/3rd of the page width) – display the rulers and use Preferences to set the units to cm .
·         Which key forces the ellipse to be a circle ?                  Shift
7.       Change the layer name to ‘Red Circle’.
8.       Duplicate the layer and
·         change the colour to green and
·         change the name to ‘Green Circle’.
            Note: To change the colour click on the colour button on the option bar immediately after duplicating the layer, or double click on the layer in the Layers palette.
9.       Duplicate this layer and
·         change the colour to blue and
·         change the name to ‘Blue Circle’.
10.   Select the Move tool. What is the keyboard shortcut ?       
11.   Turn on the ‘Auto-select’ option.
12.   Spread the three circles across the top of the page with a small space above them (they may overlap a bit – that’s OK).
13.   Fit the image to the screen (ie so the whole page is visible).
·         What is the keyboard shortcut for this ? Ctrl+0
14.   Go to Full Screen Mode – ‘View -> Screen Mode ->Full Screen Mode’.
·         What is the keyboard shortcut ? F
15.   Stare at the centre of the middle circle for 20 seconds, then look at the white area below. You will see an after image.
·         What colour are the after images for each circle ?
After Image Colour

16.   Select all three layers in the layers palette.
17.   Group the three layers together by selecting ‘Layer -> Group’.
·         What is the keyboard shortcut ? Ctrl+G
18.   Select the group in the layers palette containing the three circles.
19.   Change the ‘Blending Mode’ for the group from ‘Pass Through’ to ‘Difference’. (We will be looking at Blending Modes later, so don’t worry if you don’t understand them now).
20.   Stare at the centre of the middle circle for 20 seconds, then look at the white area below. You will see an after image.
·         What colour are the after images for each circle ?
After Image Colour
21.   Save the document as ‘Ex 3 – Colour Theory.psd’
22.   What is the size of the .psd file on disk ?  1.26MB
23.   How does this compare to the image size you recorded in step 3 above.
Alot larger than first image

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Technology 07/09/2011

ND / D
Comments / ND Alternative

  1. Levels / Curves
Non-destructive if you want to do it with an adjustment layer

  1. Rotate Image
Non-Destructive if a smart object and rotate 180 degrees

  1. Clone Stamp
Non-Destructive if used on a new layer

  1. Save file from ACR
Save as smart object

  1. Dodge / Burn
Unless you use an adjustment layer and layer mask

  1. Merge Layers / Flatten Image
Non-Destructive if you group the layers

  1. Paint Brush
Non-Destructive If used on a new layer

  1. Flip Layer
Easy to change

  1. Cut part of image out from background
Non-Destructive if copied to a new layer

  1. Erase Tool / Delete Selected Pixels
Non-Destructive if Layer Masked is used

  1. Transform Selection – rotate, skew, etc
Non-Destructive if Smart Object is used

  1. Flip Selection

  1. Convert to B/W
Non-Destructive with Adjustment Layer

  1. Apply a Filter
Non-Destructive with a Smart Object

  1. Change Layer Opacity
Change it back at any stage

  1. Change Bit Depth of Image
Non-Destructive adding more information - Going from 8Bit Depth - 16Bit Depth

  1. Resize Image
Non-Destructive when using Smart Objects

  1. Apply a Layer Style
Deleted, start again before flattening

  1. Crop Image
Non-Destructive if using smart objects

  1. Add an Adjustment Layer
Delete, start again

  1. Sharpen the Image
Non-Destructive is using smart object

  1. Apply Lens Correction
Use on a duplicate layer